понедельник, 26 сентября 2011 г.

pazyryk carpet::It was discovered in the grave of a scythian prince by a group of russian archaeologists under the supervision of sergei ivanovich rudenko pazyryk carpet

pazyryk carpet

pazyryk carpet

pazyryk carpet

pazyryk carpet::It was discovered in the grave of a scythian prince by a group of russian archaeologists under the supervision of sergei ivanovich rudenko.
Radiocarbon testing revealed that pazyryk carpet was woven in the 5th century bc.
This carpet is 1.
The advanced weaving technique used in the pazyryk carpet indicates a long history of evolution and experience in this art.
Most experts believe that the pazyryk carpet is a late achievement of at least one thousand years of technique evolution and history.
This unique piece of art was partly damaged by age and oxidation, but it was preserved in a thick sheet of ice which had protected it for twentyfive centuries.
Late in 1929, a russian ethnographic mission led by rudenko and griaznov began the excavation of five tumuli dating from the scllhian period.
The tumuli had been discovered in the pazyryk valley, in the altai mountains, 5400 feet above sea level, and some six miles from the border of outer mongolia.
In 1949 during the excavation of the fifth tumulus, a magnificent carpet came to light which today represents the most important piece of evidence in the history of oriental carpets.
This is the only rug from the achaemenid period known and preserved up to the present day.

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