The begging, the pleading.
My life as i knew it was going to come to an abrupt end without a pair of these ohsoawesome jeans.
How could stand to be seen at school without them?
In 1981 a test was run on jeans in bloomingdales.
Within hours, every pair they had ordered was sold out.
Thus the craze for guess jeans began.
The guess web site has a whole page on their history:.
Guess jeans skyrocketed to popularity, partially because of their exclusiveness.
People had to have a certain amount of money to be able to afford the guess label.
Half of the buzz surrounding guess jeans had to do with their advertising.
They used beautiful models and often times black and white photos.
The careers of naomi campbell and claudia schiffer began with a guess jean campaign.
Through the years, other famous models like anna nicole smith and eva herzigova were featured in their super sexy ads.
Guess jeans were traditionally worn by teen girls and were very tight fitting.
Some of the jeans had zippers on the sides or zipper at the back of the bottom of the pant leg.
Mostly because they were so tight, in order to get your foot in you needed to have zipper space.
The jeans came in stonewashed, acid washed, black and regular colors.
Guess jeans are still made and sold today, but with a little less share of the market.
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